About Us

Bollington Photographic Group is a friendly, welcoming group for everyone interested in photography whether they are beginners using a camera phone or professionals using digital SLR’s. Unlike some camera clubs based around running competitions (although we also have an informal monthly competition – it’s not compulsory!) we are an informal group of like-minded individuals who simply enjoy taking photographs in and around our community. For further information please contact us following the link at the base of this page.


We look forward to welcoming both old and new members,  to become part of the new Bollington Photographic Group., so please sign up NOW.

Regular monthly meetings are held at the Turners Arms and each year there are seasonal organised photo walks in the surrounding area. In addition, members may wish to actively participate in local events such as the Bollington Festival which is held every few years.

Benefits of Membership

As a FULL MEMBER, you may post your images on our wall, and take part in group activities. You may participate in forum discussions and send and receive instant messages to other members. You have LIVE NOTIFICATION sent to you of other members’ activity, you are encouraged to create and participate in our special interest groups. Members are eligible for DISCOUNTS in our on-line shop, FREE ENTRY to bookable meetings*  and full access to the Photogroup Knowledge Hub (our premium photographic information and learning aids resource).


History of the Group

Simon Nottage had the idea of producing a photo book of images from the 2005 Bollington Festival. The problem was finding photographs of suitable quality. Janet Beech had recently retired and had helped with the Festival Box Office. Janet had a camera and plenty of enthusiasm. With no photography group in Bollington We wondered if there would be enough local interest to start one. 

In 2007 an opportunity presented itself – there was an open meeting at the Arts Centre to recruit volunteers for the 2009 Festival. The idea was pitched to the audience and a sign up sheet circulated. From this we got our first recruits. Our group held its very first meeting in September 2007. We originally called ourselves Bollington Festival Photography Group.

Fast forward to today…

Pandemic lockdowns are thankfully behind us. We again have the freedom to enjoy meeting up, bound by a shared passion. We are re-inventing ourselves and embracing social media and the latest technological communication advances.

A new way forward has presented itself, and with it, our new name and logo, a brand new web site and undoubtedly some new challenges along the way. Exciting times indeed!

Our mission statement is to “document the life and locations of Bollington”. Back then we had monthly themes and meetings and were introduced to the mysteries of Flickr as a way to review our efforts. Now in our eleventh year most of that initial group are still together. New members join us periodically and despite a diverse mix of talents, we have become firm friends.


A new way forward...

Documenting the Lives and Locations of Bollington"

Competition - Conditions of entry

This contest is only open to fully paid-up members of Bollington Photographic group.

Images should be submitted with the theme/title as specified on our contest page and elsewhere on social media – all photographs to be taken in the local vicinity unless otherwise agreed with the organisers in advance. Images not complying with these conditions will be disqualified from the contest.

Submissions must be your own work and by entering the contest, you are agreeing that they may be subsequently used for promotional purposes by the group. Credits to the individual photographer will be given, and copyright of the image(s) remain(s) with the photographer.

Winning entries will be professionally printed for display in the exhibition and the winners agree to contribute to the production costs at £5 per image chosen by the voting process. 

Voting is only open to paid-up members of Bollington Photographic group and members of the Bollington Photographic Facebook Group. 

Voting will only be allowed following the closure of the submission period. No cheating, mind. You can only vote once for your TWELVE  favourites, – so make your votes count!

Please note: You WILL be disqualified if you vote for your own Photographs!

  • Image format should be JPG, either colour or mono and of a quality to allow printing up to A3 in size.
  • All submissions will be validated following the closure of the submission period and voting will then  commence. 
  • The voting period will be as specified on the contest pages. Votes outside these dates will be disqualified.
  • The twelve images with the most votes will be declared the winners and will be selected and printed for exhibition.
  • Winning entries will be announced within the website and on social media following the closure of the voting period and the winning photographers will be also be notified by e-mail.
  • The winners’ images will be posted on the groups’ Facebook Page and will be printed and displayed in the Turners’ Arms as part of the Bollington Photographic Group  exhibition. At the end of the exhibition period, the prints will be archived for future exhibition or returned to the photographer upon request.    The decision of the organisers will be final. E&OE